I has’t been very busy

I know, I know, I promised to release Chapter 7 over a month ago, but that was before I got sick. I haven’t had the chance to even look into it and edit it.

Because of my stay in the hospital, I relieved myself of boredom by picking up a new novel to translate; my first ever Japanese novel, “Kenja no Mago,” also known as Maji’s Grandson. If you haven’t already started reading it, please head over to Japtem.

The novel took the number one spot in the quarterly rankings, and so far, it has a good response from the readers, so I hope you would like it as well.

Spring cleaning is complete

After spending hours upon hours cleaning the previous chapters, I am finally done. For those who are just starting to read the story, or if you’re re-reading it, please let me know if you spot any grammatical errors. I have tried my best on what I can do alone, but I am not perfect.

The next step is to polish chapter 7, which will be done all day tomorrow. However, I cannot guarantee that it’ll be posted on the same day. Why? Because of the haphazard temperatures bouncing up and down the last couple of days, I have caught a cold, and will be spending a lot of time in bed.

In addition, I still have my responsibilities for Japtem releases, and will be working on those as well.

At which hour spring is hither, spring cleaning is a must

While I was writing my seventh chapter of Whispers of the Immortal, I had to go back and re-read the information in previous chapters. While reading, I realised there were a lot of grammar mistakes I’ve failed to correct.

With that said, I will be spending the next couple of days re-writing some of the parts, correcting grammar, and making this site more user-friendly.

When everything aforementioned is done, I will post the next chapter. Rejoice for tis complete! Although I need to take some time polishing the chapter, I have finally finished a chapter.

Cleaning process:
All done.

Spring hath cometh

My plan to write at least a chapter week has once again failed, and before I knew it, summer has ended, school began, autumn leaves had fallen, the first snowfall came and went, and now, fields of grass are once again turning green.

So I asketh thee, how many months doth thee bethink has’t gone by?

Approximately 6 months.

And thus, methinks tis about time I once again pick up this pen of mine.